The disease described with the latest research & documentation.

The infection on the cranium.
An infection that can only occur once divorced. The kids have no idea what is going on. The kids can only think you have a mental incapacity to maintain a relationship or have no social skills.
They are blaming you for everything and explain to you that you have falsehoods. Things that you said that prove to be incorrect, per the internet. however not always bad news. This can be therapeutic to kids, when they can claim you have TKS. In a sense, TKS can have a good effect on you. Perhaps the relationship you were in, that caused TKS, went bad and now that has been resolved. Things are better for you now. The residual effects of TKS come in various forms. Derived of divorce, Separation is not always a bad thing and it is all how you look at it . Mostly made of perception. It has yet to be proven, if it is genetically or physically manifested. Medication of any form may never help this. There is no record of a remedy being found. It may be a syndrome that would cause somebody know to do something they normally would not. Whether bad or good, not something you would ever expect them to do. Perhaps go for a walk in the woods or visit family. The opposite can also arise, such as seclusion and/or anger and emotion that you have never seen come from that person. they are found to actually have concerns or thoughts that you thought they did not have. The personality is completely different and changed, from that you grew up to know.
This is TKS syndrome. There is no resolve and there is no future a person infected with TKS. There is no going back. There is no going back. This is a permanent affect. there is a still a grueling list of attributes applied to this disease. Those who avoid the usual monogamous marriage, may never experience TKS. Some cases the person experiences depression, from being poor. Some become wealthier and are in shock having money to spend you never had before.
Outcomes are pretty much different for everyone found to have it. The symptoms depend on how the infected individual views themselves, in their situation. When your kids say you have TKS, you need to be cautious of the analysis and where it comes from. The true meaning for those people are…because it could be the sign you have an issue that you need to be aware of. This could be a psychological way for those who love you to dismiss you. You may not be aware of the real reason or the root cause. You can’t freeze it off. You also can’t take a substance to evaporate the disease. You can’t take something to balance it or make it go away. It is always there and always visible. If not paying attention and being open minded to it’s power, it can take you down. How you handle the accusation or assessment that you have TKS can greatly affect the outcome, more than any other efforts combined. Some try to bury the symptoms in food by eating all the time. Even the breaking of personal objects at home and pushing them aggressively out of the way does not improve the condition. The only possible true solution is the forming of a new life and creating the foundation in a new start.
TkS syndrome is very hard to diagnose. The only related known sign is an known emotional separation from a partner or a divorce. It can sneak up on you. You don’t need to be broke, wealthy or well to do. You don’t need to own anything. One of the known affects is living like a gypsi. constantly moving your things around. Not only do you own a mass of clutter, but you own clutter in three different locations. You give people the perception that everything is just fine and fib to them. On the inside you are grueling with anger and loneliness, you’ve never felt before. You give the smile of deception. Try as hard as you can to make things work. There is a known 5 year recovery people go through mentally, when experiencing life changing events, such as TKS. After 5 years you may notice a warm fuzzy feeling of happiness and clarity. Time may be the best medicine, if it works at all. You can only be diagnosed with TKS, if you have children do the analysis and sign the form. Doctors may also have, as they are adults. Therefore are disqualified from judging if you have TKS. Adults are suspect of TKS and unable to diagnose it. The forms can be filled out here to see if you have TKS. You must be open minded that you may have TKS. You have to be truthful and honest to yourself, when filling out the form. Lying to one’s self is an affect of TKS. Children around you that love you are the best analyzers to know if you have TKS. This is not a learned disease. This is not anything catchable by touch, but can be very psychological. People that walk around with this have been known to have been known to walk around with this displaying a big fake smile or seem in severe depression and hiding it in baggy clothes. There is a very thin line between the two. You take it how you feel you need to take it. This diagnosis has been a newly found problem and lots of therapy may not be able to fix it. You have to allow it to heal. The only fix is to start anew and enjoy life. The things you have known and have thought may be proven to be false by your children and their knowledge of information on internet. You may have grown up without the internet and thought you were smart by handed down data. But children know better. Once proven by internet and GOOGLING, it is hard to fight the facts. Do be aware that people doing the analysis rely on the internet and it can’t be erased. There is nothing more scarier than believing the truth is not from GOOGLE.
If you feel this definition of TKS is incorrect feel free to contact the website and submit your opinions. Enter your possible variations or changes here. Pictures of TKS can be found here on the visual symptoms page.
TKS can’t spread by touch or through the air. It is spread through telepathy and through brain to brain, directly. Visually transferring through the eyes is also a way to catch it, using mood carriers. and the particles are so small they do not even need to be transmitted. The thought process infects your mind, with TKS. Your behavior can be greatly affected one way or another. The severity greatly depends on the person and how they handle input of data, from children. People infected with TKS tend to think they are in charge and they are mature. However, as proven by children before, people infected with TKS are not in charge at all. In fact they can be financially strapped by their own doing. and nobody listens to them as their voice becomes a whisper to young people and they have heard it all. As loud as you scream the ears CAN NOT hear what you are saying. Your sound does not travel. You are transmitting TKS.
Any one of my children will be certified to tell you that you have TKS. It is a rare disease. They may even find you have it with different symptoms. It is ever changing and affecting many people, without them knowing. It infects many people without them knowing that it is around. Others see you knowledge lessen in value daily, as it dissipates the more you talk.
TKS has also been related to BS syndrome (BullShit Syndrome). Some parents think they know everything. The kids know that they have caught BullShit. BS syndrome is a syndrome that is very similar and does not separate from TKS easily. The kids prove through the internet, that the statements you make are not true and are unfounded. You may have what is called BS-Syndrome.
You are not alone…
It may be rare, however, you are not alone!

BS Syndrome
A syndrome that is obvious when people speak and useless information flows out.

TKS Syndrome
Oddly suspicious f thoughts and actions of adults that can’t be explained.

Protect your brain
Feed your brain with healthy information and truths.